Let’s go!

Come on, we’re ready.

Everyone’s waiting in the car for you.

It’s not super common…but it definitely happens in my house.  
Probably in yours too.

We’re getting ready to leave and someone (usually my daughter) is WAY behind everyone else.  

It may or may not make you late (we’re rarely late), but it’s irritating…and it’s just…TIME.

It’s time sitting around.
It’s time away from doing something I want to do.
It’s time I coulda…

Speaking of time…let’s talk about timezones and the Philippines.

People always want to know about having VAs work on their timezone.  
Is it possible?  How do you make it work?

Here are Marcella’s thoughts:

“Our graphics/video guy pretty much has full schedule flexibility as long as he produces the videos and graphics timely. 
Our other Virtual Assistant has to overlap our business hours for at least 4 hours of her shift. It works out for her because she can work around time with her family and pick up the other 4 hours earlier or later in the day depending on her schedule. 
She also pushes some of her hours over to the weekend so she has more flexibility during the week, with her children and their school hours. So it works.”

Here are my thoughts on making this work:

The gist is, yes, they can work on your timezone. But make sure that’s the expectation when you hire. And, you’ll probably find it easier if you hire someone who is already working the night shift.

Of course, if you’re in Australia, none of this matters.


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