I got this great question from Peter:

I have had two part-time VA’s on my books for over 5 years now, I pay a small weekly retainer to do some CRM and Website work – they can go for a month without doing any work, but at least I am paying them something.

Originally I go them through UPWORK.

Is there a way to move them to you, so they can get more of my weekly? It’s only small as we are a small business – $50 for Kimberly and $20 for Jewel. Just to confirm, these are just retainers, sometimes I give more work over and above that, and they get paid too!

Let me know – I love your work!

Regards, Peter

Yeah, you can move them to Onlinejobs.ph.

It should be pretty simple.

Ask them for their profile URL from OnlineJobs.ph (they probably already have a profile on Onlinejobs.ph).

On their profile page, click “mark as hired” so they show up in your Onlinejobs.ph account. You’ll need to have (or have had in the past) a paid employer account to mark them as hired.

You can upgrade easily to one (https://www.onlinejobs.ph/pricing) and cancel the subscription as soon as your account is upgraded so it does not renew.

All the features needed to manage your current staff will be available to you even after your paid upgrade expires.

From there, you can use EasyPay to pay them. OnlineJobs.ph/easypay. It comes with your Onlinejobs.ph account.


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