What I love about training your OFS is it doesn’t just help you and your business, it also helps them.

You educate your OFS to empower them.

Yes, providing them with education and training helps grow your business.
Yes, it makes your life easier.
Yes, it makes things run more efficiently.


It does the same for them!
It gives them an understanding of how business works.
It gives them skills that can be used in your business.
It gives them ideas to help grow your business…so that they deserve a raise!
It helps them contribute.
It helps them progress in their career.
It empowers them with greater understanding, confidence, and a desire to do better.

And…if that training and education is provided by you…
– it shows them you care about their career
– it shows them your company is a good place to work
– it makes them loyal to you

All of this is why I advocate for training the OFS you hire.

Even if you hire an expert.

Provide them training.

It carries like a 100x ROI with it.

This is why we created VAs Made Easy.

Done-for-you education.
You give the training to your OFS.
They progress.
Your business progresses.




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