My second best advice for starting outsourcing is to start with one task.

1. Create training for that one task.
2. Give that training to your OFS so they can do that task.
3. Check how well they did that task and give feedback so they can improve on it.
4. Modify your instructions for that task if it’s misunderstood.

Once they’ve perfected that task, you can add another task. Rinse and repeat.

Giving one task is EASY FOR YOU. Giving multiple tasks is hard.
Managing one task is EASY FOR YOU.
Starting with one task is EASY FOR YOU.
Making training for one task is EASY FOR YOU.

I know it might not keep them busy with all the hours you’re hiring them for.  That’s ok. Just getting the ball rolling is so much more important than taking advantage of every second of their $5/hour.

A couple more thoughts:
Checking their first few runs at that task and giving good feedback takes time. Remember, we want our OFS to learn from their mistakes and improve their work. This means you have to really look at what they’ve done to point out the areas they need to fix or improve on…

…but just in the beginning. Yes, this takes more of your time the first few times. After that it gives you time back.

Feedback is important.

It’s also easier for your OFS to learn when they’re focused on just one thing at a time instead of several things. When something is easy, fewer mistakes are made, and you gain that skill even faster.

Last but not least, once you and your OFS have this training routine going, you don’t have to wait that long for them to work on multiple tasks simultaneously. The more you do this with your OFS, the faster and more efficient the process becomes. They learn more about your business. They start connecting things. You can start giving them tasks with less and less training and they’ll do them better and better the first time.

This isn’t a magic bullet.
This is process driven improvement and growth.
The best kind of process driven: one where you don’t have to create the process ahead of time.

Want to make things even more simple for yourself?
Hire first, create the training second.

I know it sounds backward. It goes against what all the “gurus” say.
But it works.  I’ve seen it thousands of times.


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