I’m really proud of the fact that most of my OFS (Online Filipino Specialists) team are absolute rockstars. But to be completely honest, most of them didn’t start out that way.

At first glance, some of them didn’t look like amazing hires. Looking back at their profiles and resumes back then, they don’t stand out.

But the great thing about my hiring steps (which I show at OneVAAway.com) is they teach you to look past what looks good “on paper” and find people with real potential.

They might not be the ones with the most experience, but they have initiative and great work ethics. These people are problem solvers and people I know I can work with. These people have the ability to become rockstars.

You’ve hired your first OFS. Want to turn them into rockstars for your business? Here’s how you do it.

1. Trust

Building trust usually starts with the email interview process. With a series of emails, you can ask a bunch of questions that will tell you a lot about their skills, how they communicate, etc.

Most people think the interview is just about whether the OFS you want to hire is trustworthy. But how you respond and interact with your OFS before and after you hire them lets them know whether YOU are trustworthy.

Like whether you’re a serious business owner or a scam employer.
Or, whether you’re going to be a good boss or not.

If you’re not trustworthy, there’s no point in them working hard and doing their best.

If they see you and your business as a place where they can grow and have a better future, they’re going to do everything they can to stay.

2. Training

I’ve already talked a lot about training in my previous newsletters. You can read them all here:

If you want your OFS to gain a new skill, give them training.
If you want your OFS to be better at what they’re already doing, give them training.
If you want your OFS to trust you even more, give them training.
If you want your OFS to be a rock star, give them training.

3. Time

My best people are the ones who have worked for me for years.

It hasn’t always been easy. It took work and patience. But in the end, it’s worth it because I know they have my back.

If I needed to step back from my business for whatever reason, I could trust that they’d keep things running smoothly.

If a problem needs solving, they’ll be among the first to help me solve it.

They care for my business just as much as I do.

This was only possible because of the time I spent building trust, training them, and working with them.

They’re much better than when I first hired them because my business has improved their lives. They stay because they know if we keep growing the business, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.

Hire your OFS at OnlineJobs.ph


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